About Me

Hello there! I am a composer, music producer and sound designer. Music has always been a big part of my life. I started taking private piano lessons at the age of six. I remember that I didn’t like these lessons much. I was a six-year-old kid, sitting inside in front of the piano struggling to play songs I’d never heard before, while my friends were running around outside in the sun playing. No.. No fun at all. No one forced me to take the lessons, however.
My parents encouraged me to continue though and it was probably part their encouragement and my own stubbornness that kept me going. There are no words to describe how grateful I am today for my parents’ encouragement, and (I guess) my own stubbornness, because these first years no doubt built the foundation for what have become a huge and very important part of my life today.
Sound engineering and all the tech surrounding music and sound sparked my interest after I started writing my own songs and wanted to be able to arrange and record them. And after discovering MIDI, I really felt like I’d found the meaning of life! I soon became the nerdiest MIDI-nerd around and after some of my guitar playing friends told me that “MIDI will always sound like a machine compared to real instruments”, I decided that proving them wrong now had become my life’s most important mission. I still find it incredibly intriguing to try to narrow down and understand the subtle details that make live performances sound alive and emotional. And to then try to translate these minor details into MIDI-information is something I really love.
Throughout my life, I have pursued education at many levels in this field, with the highest level being the Sound Design For Video Games course at the University of Skövde. I recently also took a C#/.NET course to broaden my knowledge in this area and thereby also improve my overall skills in game development.


Slider Content

Album: None
Album: AM2R - Expansion Pack (2018)
Album: Harmony of a Champion (2017)
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Album: Harmony of Heroes (2014)
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Album: Harmony of A Hunter 101% Run (2012)
Album: None

sound design

I love sound design. I have done a lot of sound for various video games, but I also like to use sound design in my music production to make the music more unpredictable and interesting. Below you will find a selection of projects I have done the sound design for in the past.

Magnetic: Cage Closed

Magnetic: Cage Closed started out as a school project at the University of Skövde, Sweden.
We continued developing the game after school and won the award for Best Technical Execution at the Swedish Game Awards 2014. Here we also got nominated for Best Audio Execution. This is also when the company Guru Games was by some of the team's members. I remained as the audio designer, but as a freelancer.

Various projects

Here you will find some information about various projects I did the sound design for in the past.

other projects

Nothing here yet.. But I'm working on it.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or thoughts. Use the form to the right (I know.. It's not there yet, but it soon will be) or find me on any of the social media platforms below.